Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 3

Week 3 has come to a close, mostly. I'm still in the process of getting our wall timeline put together, I have the people printed out and ready to mount and finally today got the date strips printed out so maybe tomorrow or next week we will actually get all of it posted on the wall.
Since I'm new to posting our weekly wrap-ups I didn't grab the camera until today so my pics are fairly limited.

Seeing our monarch chrysalis turn into a butterfly!
Playing battleship for math lesson.

We are starting to get into somewhat of a routine around here although not as consistent as I would like. This week we ran late everyday but it still worked out well and I felt more relaxed by spreading out the lessons than trying to cram them all in during the morning hours.
Ali and Tom are doing well with their "daily vitamins" i.e. Calculadders, but we've had to start back at the beginning using Math-it. I'm not using a textbook for math until they have their addition facts down cold and are able to quickly add large numbers. I plan on using the shortcut adding methods suggested in "How Stevie Learned his Math".

Gathered around for circle time
I'm still working on streamlining Circle time and making it more enhancing for the younger kids and will hopefully have things in better order next week.

Egg-citing Levitation worked!

Experimenting with different density liquids

It took a bit of help but they did get the concept of battleship and were really enjoying themselves until they bumped their boards and lost the pegs.

Copywork using Italic Handwriting from Penny Gardner

Read more Weekly Wrap-up entries Here.


  1. Whoa, I have absolutely no idea how you do it all with 6 kids! Congratulations on that!

  2. I just love science experiments -- especially when they actually work! Ours don't, always. ;-)

    Your butterfly is beautiful. So many people have posted on their blogs lately about their butterflies. I really want to do that with my kids soon. It's something that we've never done.

    Thanks for joining in the Weekly Wrap-Up this week. I hope you'll join us again.

  3. Looks like a good week! Watching butterflies emerge is SO got a great picture of it! I love Battleship...I need to pull it out for math one day.

  4. I love density experiments! Last week we layered corn syrup, water and oil. Then we added a rock, grape, ice cube and cork-so neat!

  5. What a great butterfly. Looks like you have got your hands full! I admire you for your dedication! That's a lot of kids! Thanks for sharing your week.
