Friday, January 29, 2010

A Broad Education - The Arts

When children have begun regular lessons (that is, as soon as they are six), this sort of study of pictures should not be left to chance, but they should take one artist after another, term by term, and study quietly some half-dozen reproductions of his work in the course of the term.
Charlotte Mason - Home Education pg. 309

Something wonderful has happened in our home over the past year or so and I can't help but lay my personal thanks to Charlotte Mason and her ideas on "short lessons". Instead of sticking to only the basics of school subjects I have been able to open broad doors to a very liberal education for my children starting at a young age.
Left to myself I would never have felt able to tackle such subjects as literature, world history, art, classical music and composers, poetry and handicrafts. But being bolstered and instructed by an experienced educator (Miss Mason) we have boldly entered into each of these subjects.

"the lessons are short, seldom more than twenty minutes in length for children under eight..."

I have talked with other home school mom's who wish to add many of these border subjects to their child's school routine but are too overloaded with current schedules or unsure of how to proceed that they simply don't even try. Frankly had I not read Miss Mason's work I would have been in the same boat. It seems as though we as home school moms feel that we must cover all or not at all, we tend to overdue all subjects especially those that are not considered basics. Normally I would have approached art study or composer study thinking that we needed to read several books on the artist or composer and hear or study all of their works. Miss Mason's protocol for art and music study would have seemed very simplistic.
Thankfully, I was willing to try and have been overwhelmingly pleased with the results. Not only do we have the time (5-15 minutes, once a week) to study paintings and listen to musical selections we have also learned from narrating our impressions to each other and each of my school age children has enjoyed learning more about a particular artist or composer on their own.

The art training of children should proceed on two lines. The six-year-old child should begin both to express himself and to appreciate, and his appreciation should be well in advance of his power to express what he sees or imagines.
Charlotte Mason - Home Education pg. 307

If you are using Ambleside Online's composer rotation then at some point you will want to listen to Jean Sibelius's Symphony no. 1. I can't say that I've heard this symphony before or for that matter much at all by Sibelius but I am happy to say that it is a very good piece and we all enjoyed listening to it as well as watching the orchestra perform it.

You can read more about the symphony here and more about Jean Sibelius here.

If you are looking for an avenue for your kiddos to learn more about the symphony and the various musical instruments then I would highly recommend the games found at Carnegie Hall Listening Adventures. My children have really enjoyed playing the games and have learned a large amount about instruments and the symphony. They can each name the instruments by sight although we are still working on being able to name them by sound.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

FREE Eugene Field Resource

If you are using Ambleside Online curriculum and in Year 2 or looking ahead to using Year 2 then you will want to download these resources.

Available today through Homeschool Radio Shows and audio biography of Eugene Field and an ebook of poems from Mr. Field.

Don't miss it!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

When Life gets in the way of blogging

Okay so really it's the other way around but since the holidays are past and we are on the tale end of doing some remodeling and school is back under way I might get a chance to drop in here and post some stuff.
We took the entire month of December off from formal school and while it was really very nice and needed it was a bit too long. I stopped thinking in school terms. Not the worst thing in the world but kind of makes starting up again a bit sluggish. The plan was to start school the first week in January but I realized after returning from my parents house that I hadn't planned the first week out much less the entire term and so I spent the week planning and organizing.
It was worth the effort as this last week (our first in term 2) went by smoothly, not easily just smoothly:)
So far so good but we are already behind in 1 history book ( The Little Duke) so we will be reading a bit from it every day to keep up. I've found that this year I've had to spread our readings out over an hour or so but have to keep rotating books because I can't stay awake while reading in the afternoon much longer than 15 minutes. Such is life with a baby.
I'd like to add in some extra studies this term but it just may not happen, and that's okay too.